In decision CP-9/13, Parties requested the Executive Secretary to commission a study informing the application of annex I of the decision to (i) living modified organisms containing engineered gene drives and (ii) living modified fish, and present it to the open-ended online forum and Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Risk Assessment and Risk Management.
The draft studies were made available for the discussions of the online forum held between 20 January - 1 February 2020. After the online forum all comments and items raised by the forum participants were considered and the studies were modified to reflect the indications that were in scope of the mandate.
The final version of the studies are presented here below. In addition, a table showing the changes made to each of the studies is also provided.
Additional sources of information on living modified fish
SBSTTA-24 INF 7 document (List of bibliographic references on engineered gene drives and living modified fish): CBD/SBSTTA/24/INF/7
Additional references on LM fish.docx
Guidance on Risk Assessment of LMOs
At its eighth meeting in (Cancun, Mexico, 4-17 December 2016), in decision CP-VIII/12, the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol (COP-MOP) took note of the voluntary Guidance on Risk Assessment of Living Modified Organisms as the outcome of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group with input from the Online Forum; and invited interested Parties, other Governments and relevant organizations to take the Guidance into account as a voluntary tool to assist in conducting risk assessment in accordance with the Cartagena Protocol while acknowledging that other guidance documents and national approaches can also assist in conducting risk assessment in accordance with the Protocol.
Guidance on RA of LMOs