Capacity building databases
The databases provide a “one-stop shop” where information about existing biosafety capacity-building projects, opportunities and the capacity needs of countries is registered and readily accessed in a structured manner. This clearing-house function facilitates identification of the coverage, overlaps and gaps as well as opportunities for synergies and collaboration between different initiatives. It also provides a meeting point for those seeking capacity-building support and those providing such support. Currently, the following four capacity-building databases have been established in the Biosafety Clearing-House.
Biosafety Capacity-Building Projects
This contains information on biosafety-related capacity-building projects. Projects refer to initiatives with a set of interlinked activities implemented over a period of six months or more. Each record includes summary information (metadata) on the project status and location, the lead organization(s) and contacts, funding, objectives and activities, main outcomes, lessons learned, and a brief background description. Web links and contact persons where to obtain detailed information about each respective project are provided. The database provides a one-stop source of information on major capacity-building projects, including public awareness projects, to facilitate the identification of the gaps and coverage of existing initiatives and to share experience, examples of good practice and lessons learned.
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Capacity-Building Opportunities
The listing provides access to latest information on available capacity-building opportunities/ support, such as: funding, technical assistance, workshops, meetings, conferences/symposiums, courses, scholarships/fellowships, personnel exchange/ internships, scientific and technical cooperation, partnerships, discussion forums, professional networks, and others.
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Country Needs and Priorities
This provides a mechanism for countries to register their capacity-building needs and priorities for implementing the Biosafety Protocol and also for countries and organizations in a position to offer assistance to readily access such information in order to tailor their support to specific country-defined needs and priorities. The database is structured along the lines of the elements of the capacity-building action plan.
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Compendium of Academically-Accredited Biosafety Courses
Includes a listing of recurrent academically-accredited biosafety education and training programs offered by academic and other relevant institutions around the world. Each entry contains a brief description of the program as well as a Web link and contact details for further information. The information in the compendium is entered and regularly updated by the respective Universities or institutions. The CBD Secretariat is not responsible for the accuracy of the information nor do we endorse or recommend any particular program offering or institution.
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