In paragraph 10 of
decision XIII/17 the COP invited Parties, other Governments, relevant organizations and indigenous peoples and local communities to submit the following information to the Executive Secretary:
- Research, cooperation and activities noted in paragraph 9 above;
- Evidence of benefits and adverse effects of synthetic biology vis-à-vis the three objectives of the Convention;
- Experiences in conducting risk assessments of organisms, components and products of synthetic biology, including any challenges encountered, lessons learned and implications for risk assessment frameworks;
- Examples of risk management and other measures that have been put in place to avoid or minimize the potential adverse effects of organisms, components and products of synthetic biology, including experiences of safe use and best practices for the safe handling of organisms developed through synthetic biology;
- Regulations, policies and guidelines in place or under development which are directly relevant to synthetic biology;
- Knowledge, experience and perspectives of indigenous peoples and local communities in the context of living in harmony with nature for comparison and better understanding of the potential benefits and adverse effects of synthetic biology.
In implementing this element of the decision the Executive Secretary issued notification
The deadline for submissions of information is
16 June 2017.
All information submitted in response to this notification is listed below.