Online Forum on the Action Agenda/Biosafety
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Theme 5: Existing information-sharing measures, online discussion group 3
POSTED ON BEHALF OF THE MODERATORS OF THE FORUM Dear Forum Participants,a We are pleased and honoured to have been invited to moderate the online discussions on non-state actors’ engagement in the Action Agenda for Nature and People. Please find below the guiding questions for this theme below. Please note that the discussions for the on Online discussion group 3 will be held from 4 October 2021 to 17 October 2021. Please note that participants must register and sign into the BCH in order to post messages. Individuals wishing to participate via e-mail after these initial messages can choose to “watch” the discussions taking place under the different themes. These individuals will then receive copies of the posted messages by e-mail. We look forward to your discussions. We would also like to encourage you to view the recorded session of the webinar on biosafety commitments to the Action Agenda if you were not able to participate in the webinar. The recorded webinar will be available at Theme 5: Existing information-sharing measures 1. Which profiling and information-sharing measures on the Action Agenda website and the social media platforms would be best for non-state actors to be profiled through online (e.g. web stories, videos, Infographics, social media postings/flyers, new articles, newsletter, quotes)? Please visit the existing features at How can IT open source components from the Action Agenda be useful in sharing information (e.g. making use of biosafety categories in the Action Agenda to showcase on external/partners websites and/or for the Action Agenda to showcase partners commitments automatically through interoperability such as statistics, pledges viewed on two websites)? Please visit the GIT HUB, the Action Agenda Network with the open source components at 3. Who are the non-state actors that are the most users of the national biosafety websites that could be engaged? 4. How can the new BCH Platform, soon to be launched, support the sharing of information on biosafety commitments from the Action Agenda? How do you use the Biosafety Clearing-House (BCH) in your work? What content do you most frequently seek in the BCH? Best regards, Moderators • Austria: Mr. Helmut Gaugitsch • Croplife International: Ms. Sarah Lukie • Himalayan Folklore, Indigenous Knowledge and Peoples Networks, Federation of Kirant Indigenous Associations, Society for Wetland Biodiversity Conservation Nepal: Mr. Kamal Kumar Rai • Every Woman Hope Centre: Ms. Edel-Quinn Agbaegbu • Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture: Mr. Pedro Rocha • KROK University: Mr. Serhiy Vykhryst • BCH Project Regional Specialist for francophone Africa: Mr. Mohamed Elyes Kchouk
(edited on 2022-10-21 13:50 UTC by Mico Kha, mikocha)
posted on 2021-10-04 14:38 UTC by Ms. Ulrika Nilsson, UNEP/SCBD/Biosafety
Thème 5 : Mesures existantes de partage d'informations, le groupe de discussion en ligne 3
PUBLIÉ AU NOM DES MODÉRATEURS DU FORUM Chers participants au Forum, Nous sommes ravis et honorés d'avoir été invités à modérer les discussions en ligne sur l'engagement des acteurs non étatiques dans le Programme d'Action pour la Nature et les Peuples Veuillez trouver ci-dessous les questions d'orientation pour le thème ci-dessous. Veuillez noter que les discussions pour le groupe de discussion en ligne 3 se tiendront du 4 octobre 2021 au 17 octobre 2021. Veuillez noter que les participants doivent s'inscrire et se connecter au CEPRB afin de poster des messages. Les personnes souhaitant participer par e-mail après ces premiers messages peuvent choisir de «regarder » les discussions qui se déroulent sous les différents thèmes. Ces personnes recevront ensuite des copies des messages postés par courrier électronique. Nous attendons vos discussions avec impatience. Nous aimerions également vous encourager à visionner la session enregistrée du webinaire sur les engagements en matière de biosécurité dans le Programme d'Action si vous n'avez pas pu participer au webinaire. Le webinaire enregistré est disponible surème 5 : Mesures existantes de partage d'informations 1. Quelles mesures de profilage et de partage d'informations sur le site Web du Programme d'Action et les plateformes de médias sociaux seraient les mieux adaptées pour que les acteurs non étatiques soient profilés en ligne (par ex. newsletter, citations) ? Veuillez visiter les fonctionnalités existantes sur Comment les composants informatiques open source du Programme d'Action peuvent-ils être utiles pour partager des informations (par exemple, utiliser les catégories de biosécurité du Programme d'Action pour les présenter sur des sites Web externes/partenaires et/ou pour que le Programme d'Action présente automatiquement les engagements des partenaires grâce à l'interopérabilité, par exemple statistiques, promesses de dons consultées sur deux sites Web) ? Veuillez visiter le GIT HUB, le Réseau du Programme d'Action avec les composants open source à l'adresse Quels sont les acteurs non étatiques les plus utilisateurs des sites Web nationaux sur la biosécurité qui pourraient être impliqués ? 4. Comment la nouvelle plate-forme du CEPRB, qui sera bientôt lancée, peut-elle soutenir le partage d'informations sur les engagements en matière de biosécurité du Programme d'Action? Comment utilisez-vous le Centre d'Échange pour la Prévention des Risques Biotechnologiques (CEPRB) dans votre travail ? Quel contenu recherchez-vous le plus fréquemment dans le CEPRB ? Meilleures salutations, Modérateurs • L'Autriche: M. Helmut Gaugitsch • Croplife International : Mme Sarah Lukie • Folklore himalayen, Réseaux de connaissances et de peuples autochtones, Fédération des associations autochtones de Kirant, Society for Wetland Biodiversity Conservation Népal : M. Kamal Kumar Rai • Centre d'espoir Chaque femme : Mme Edel-Quinn Agbaegbu • Institut interaméricain de coopération pour l'agriculture : M. Pedro Rocha • Université KROK : M. Serhiy Vykhryst • Spécialiste régional du projet CEPRB pour l'Afrique francophone : M. Mohamed Elyes Kchouk
(edited on 2021-10-08 19:01 UTC by Ms. Ulrika Nilsson, UNEP/SCBD/Biosafety)
posted on 2021-10-04 15:23 UTC by Ms. Ulrika Nilsson, UNEP/SCBD/Biosafety
Tema 5: Medidas de intercambio de información existentes, el grupo de discusión en línea 3
PUBLICADO EN NOMBRE DE LOS MODERADORES DEL FORO Estimados participantes del Foro, Nos complace y nos honra haber sido invitados a moderar los debates en línea sobre la participación de los actores no estatales en la Agenda de Acción por la Naturaleza y las Personas A continuación encontrarán las preguntas orientadoras para este tema. Por favor, tengan en cuenta que los debates para el grupo de discusión en línea 3 se celebrarán del 4 de octubre de 2021 al 17 de octubre de 2021. Tenga en cuenta que los participantes deben registrarse e iniciar sesión en el BCH para poder enviar mensajes. Las personas que deseen participar por correo electrónico después de estos mensajes iniciales pueden optar por "ver" los debates que tienen lugar en los diferentes temas. Estas personas recibirán copias de los mensajes publicados por correo electrónico. Esperamos con interés sus debates. También nos gustaría animarles a ver la sesión grabada del seminario web sobre los compromisos de bioseguridad en la Agenda de Acción si no pudieron participar en el seminario web. La grabación del webinar está disponible en 5: Medidas de intercambio de información existentes 1. ¿Qué medidas de creación de perfiles y de intercambio de información en el sitio web de la Agenda de Acción y en las plataformas de los medios de comunicación social serían las más adecuadas para dar a conocer a los actores no estatales a través de Internet (por ejemplo, historias web, vídeos, infografías, publicaciones/volantes en los medios de comunicación social, nuevos artículos, boletines, citas)? Por favor, visite las funciones existentes en 2. ¿Cómo pueden ser útiles los componentes de código abierto de la Agenda de Acción para compartir información (por ejemplo, utilizando las categorías de bioseguridad de la Agenda de Acción para mostrarlas en sitios web externos/de los socios y/o para que la Agenda de Acción muestre automáticamente los compromisos de los socios a través de la interoperabilidad, como las estadísticas, los compromisos vistos en dos sitios web)? Por favor, visite el GIT HUB, la red de la Agenda de Acción con los componentes de código abierto en 3. ¿Quiénes son los actores no estatales que más utilizan los sitios web nacionales de bioseguridad que podrían participar? 4. ¿Cómo puede la nueva plataforma del CIISB, que se lanzará próximamente, apoyar el intercambio de información sobre los compromisos de bioseguridad de la Agenda de Acción? 5. ¿Cómo utiliza el Centro de Intercambio de Información sobre Seguridad de la Biotecnología (CIISB) en su trabajo? ¿Qué contenidos busca con más frecuencia en el CIISB? Saludos cordiales, Moderadores • Austria: Sr. Helmut Gaugitsch • Croplife Internacional: Sra. Sarah Lukie • Himalayan Folklore, Indigenous Knowledge and Peoples Networks, Federation of Kirant Indigenous Associations, Society for Wetland Biodiversity Conservation Nepal: Sr. Kamal Kumar Rai • Every Woman Hope Centre: Sra. Edel-Quinn Agbaegbu • Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura: Sr. Pedro Rocha • Universidad KROK: Sr. Serhiy Vykhryst • Especialista regional del proyecto BCH para el África francófona: Sr. Mohamed Elyes Kchouk
(edited on 2022-10-21 13:52 UTC by Mico Kha, mikocha)
posted on 2021-10-04 15:35 UTC by Ms. Ulrika Nilsson, UNEP/SCBD/Biosafety
(edited on 2022-10-21 13:54 UTC by Mico Kha, mikocha)
posted on 2021-10-04 16:19 UTC by Ms. Ulrika Nilsson, UNEP/SCBD/Biosafety
онлайн-дискуссионной группе 3
Уважаемые участники Форума, Для нас большое удовольствие и честь быть приглашенными модерировать онлайн-обсуждения, посвященные участию негосударственных субъектов в Программе действий в интересах природы и людей. Обратите внимание, что обсуждения в онлайн-дискуссионной группе 3 пройдут с 4 по 17 октября 2021 года. Для того, чтобы отправлять сообщения, участники должны зарегистрироваться и войти в Механизм посредничества по биобезопасности (МПБ). Желающие участвовать посредством электронной почты могут после этих первых сообщений выбрать функцию «наблюдать» (“watch”) за обсуждениями по разным темам. В этом случае они будут получать копии сообщений по электронной почте. Мы с нетерпением ждем ваших обсуждений. Мы также хотели бы предложить вам ознакомиться с записью веб-семинара, посвященного вопросам обязательств по биобезопасности в соответствии с Программой действий, если вы не смогли принять в нем участие. Запись веб-семинара доступна по адресуС наилучшими пожеланиями, Модераторы • Austria: Mr. Helmut Gaugitsch • Croplife International: Ms. Sarah Lukie • Himalayan Folklore, Indigenous Knowledge and Peoples Networks, Federation of Kirant Indigenous Associations, Society for Wetland Biodiversity Conservation Nepal: Mr. Kamal Kumar Rai • Every Woman Hope Centre: Ms. Edel-Quinn Agbaegbu • Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture: Mr. Pedro Rocha • KROK University: Mr. Serhiy Vykhryst • BCH Project Regional Specialist for francophone Africa: Mr. Mohamed Elyes Kchouk
(edited on 2021-10-08 19:02 UTC by Ms. Ulrika Nilsson, UNEP/SCBD/Biosafety)
posted on 2021-10-04 16:26 UTC by Ms. Ulrika Nilsson, UNEP/SCBD/Biosafety
RE: Theme 5: Existing information-sharing measures, online discussion group 3
Dear participants I would like to share with you some thoughts on this specific issue. 1. I would like first to highlight the fact that non-state actors to be engaged in biosafety and biodiversity conservation have to rely on sound measures for online information sharing using such media. However, in several developing countries they may encounter technical and financial constraints and socio-political barriers. Again I stress the importance of commitments of governments (1) to share part of their biodiversity loans and grants with those non-state actors with uncertain resources and (2) include them into their national and local policies. Cities, small NGOs and many local communities don’t have the minimum guarantee to assist governments in the huge effort of biodiversity conservation. 2. without doubt, open source materials would help these non-state actors in promoting their engagement. As stated earlier, capacity building should be a continuous and constant compound of the action agenda. 3. I think that key stakeholders (business men, seed producers, farmers) are actually the most important users of biosafety websites. Later, once a funding system is established for small non-state actors (NGOs, cities and local communities) these will not solely use these websites but promote them through their own communication channels including verbal and presential contacts. 4. Some regions of the globe still need support and assistance to fully benefit from the BCH. Its new look should be easier to use and above all comprehensive as it provides one of the most extensive source of information not solely on LMOs but also on countries’ decisions and risk assessments done so far.
posted on 2021-10-16 07:07 UTC by Prof. Mohamed Elyes Kchouk, Tunisia
RE: Thème 5 : Mesures existantes de partage d'informations, le groupe de discussion en ligne 3
Chers participants Je voudrais partager avec vous quelques réflexions sur cette question spécifique. 1. Je voudrais tout d'abord souligner le fait que les acteurs non étatiques pour s'engager dans la biosécurité et la conservation de la biodiversité doivent s'appuyer sur des mesures solides pour le partage d'informations en ligne à l'aide de ces médias. Cependant, dans plusieurs pays en développement, ils peuvent rencontrer des contraintes techniques et financières et des barrières socio-politiques. Encore une fois, j'insiste sur l'importance des engagements des gouvernements (1) à partager une partie de leurs prêts et subventions pour la biodiversité avec les acteurs non étatiques aux ressources incertaines et (2) à les inclure dans leurs politiques nationales et locales. Les villes, les petites ONG et de nombreuses communautés locales n'ont pas la garantie minimale d'aider les gouvernements dans l'énorme effort de conservation de la biodiversité. 2. sans aucun doute, les matériaux open source aideraient ces acteurs non étatiques à promouvoir leur engagement. Comme indiqué précédemment, le renforcement des capacités devrait être un élément continu et constant du programme d'action. 3. Je pense que les principales parties prenantes (hommes d'affaires, producteurs de semences, agriculteurs) sont en fait les utilisateurs les plus importants des sites Web sur la biosécurité. Plus tard, une fois qu'un système de financement est mis en place pour les petits acteurs non étatiques (ONG, villes et communautés locales), ceux-ci n'utiliseront pas uniquement ces sites Web mais les promouvront via leurs propres canaux de communication, y compris les contacts verbaux et présentiels. 4. Certaines régions du globe ont encore besoin de soutien et d'assistance pour bénéficier pleinement du CEPRB. Son nouveau look devrait être plus facile à utiliser et surtout complet car il fournit l'une des sources d'informations les plus complètes non seulement sur les OVM mais aussi sur les décisions des pays et les évaluations des risques réalisées jusqu'à présent.
posted on 2021-10-16 07:09 UTC by Prof. Mohamed Elyes Kchouk, Tunisia
RE: Theme 5: Existing information-sharing measures, online discussion group 3
1. Videos would be best for non-state actors to be profiled through online.
2. The IT open-source components from the Action Agenda can be useful in sharing information through a modular system to form an Action Agenda Network, which can be used to acquire, filter and showcase actions for your initiative, programme or organization's environmental cause, as well as address FAQs for greater knowledge biosafety and biodiversity issues.
3. The non-state actors that are the most users of the national biosafety websites that could be engaged are the NGOs and educational institutions. They access the websites to obtain information and relevant resources through available links and guidance materials.
4. I use the BCH to source resources materials, especially for biosafety. I equally use it to post relevant responses and messages for online forum discussions. Bch is a vent for information dissemination and sharing of Knowledge and experience. It is very efficient in developing contents. I frequently seek biosafety related records and statistical information in the BCH.
Edel-Quinn Agbaegbu ED/EWHC
RE: Theme 5: Existing information-sharing measures, online discussion group 3
Q 1. In principle, all of the above measures are good. It seems to me that in modern society, simple, understandable and illustrative web stories, infographics posted both on the Convention website, on partner websites, and in popular social networks will be one of the best options. Also, for countries where there are problems with the Internet, it would be good to make small and illustrative brochures that are understandable for different categories of non-state actors and distribute them with the help of national organizations. The key here is to identify all the actors at the national leveland present this information to them either in the form of a mailing list, or indeed, come and bring brochures to the indigenous peoples, because, as already noted in one of the discussions on the forum, this is more effective. Q3. I will say from our experience, in another country it may be different, these are regulatory bodies, higher educational institutions, the interested public and NGOs. Large business companies are not easy to attract to this, but we must try. Q4. To be honest, the BCH does a lot anyway, posting a vast amount of useful information that can be used by all categories of users. We use (I mean different categories of users in our country) all sections, I can't single out one. The new BCH will continue this tradition, and as I see it now, it will also contain video, it will be more interactive, which is very good. It is also important that more information is now being published in all 6 UN languages which would help to attract more and more actors. If training videos and materials are available in more languages, it will be even better.
Best regards,
Galina Mozgova.
Head of the National Coordination Biosafety Centre of the Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, BCH NFP.
(edited on 2021-10-16 14:23 UTC by Ms. Galina Mozgova, Belarus)
posted on 2021-10-16 14:06 UTC by Ms. Galina Mozgova, Belarus
RE: Theme 5: Existing information-sharing measures, online discussion group 3
1. Videos would be best for non-state actors to be profiled through online. This is to strategically increase their visibility and other strategic actions, to enhance the implementation and mainstreaming of the Action Agenda.
2. The IT open-source components from the Action Agenda can be useful in sharing information through a modular system to form an Action Agenda Network, which can be used to acquire, filter and showcase actions for your initiative, programme or organization's environmental cause, as well as address FAQs for greater knowledge biosafety and biodiversity issues.
3. The non-state actors that are the most users of the national biosafety websites that could be engaged are the NGOs and educational institutions. They access the websites to obtain information and relevant resources through available links and guidance materials.
4. I use the BCH to source resources materials, especially for biosafety. I equally use it to post relevant responses and messages for online forum discussions. Bch is a vent for information dissemination and sharing of Knowledge and experience. It is very efficient in developing contents. I frequently seek biosafety related records and statistical information in the BCH.
Edel-Quinn Agbaegbu ED/EWHC, Nigeria
RE: Theme 5: Existing information-sharing measures, online discussion group 3
Dear Friends, Communicating information play an important role for awareness, disseminating messages and education. The tools of communication and guidance prepared by CBD secretariat, biosafety protocol and materials including video, flyers, news paper and other documents are valuable and useful for IPLCs, including IPLCs women and youth. Social media e.g. Facebook, twitters and online communication can play a vital role to decimate and reach out them to IPLCs. Due to connectivity issues and access of internet and other means of communication, Most of IPLCs are not able to get the information. Also, languages and the terminological difficulties, IPLCs, women are not much follow of the subject matter. Therefore, capacity building and education activities are in cultural appropriate or in own language heard or raised by IPLCs.It might be the issues on this theme less contribution, I assumed
(edited on 2021-10-18 06:27 UTC by Mr. Kamal Kumar Rai, IPs Society for Wetland Biodiversity Conservation - Nepal)
posted on 2021-10-17 08:09 UTC by Mr. Kamal Kumar Rai, IPs Society for Wetland Biodiversity Conservation - Nepal
RE: Theme 5: Existing information-sharing measures, online discussion group 3
Active information dissemination plays an essential role. It is even more important to provide non-state actors with sufficient information about the type and scope of information available through BCH.
posted on 2021-10-17 22:56 UTC by Mr. Serhiy Vykhryst, KROK University
RE: Theme 5: Existing information-sharing measures, online discussion group 3
Question 4 - How can the new BCH Platform, soon to be launched, support the sharing of information on biosafety commitments from the Action Agenda? How do you use the Biosafety Clearing-House (BCH) in your work? What content do you most frequently seek in the BCH?
Taking these individual questions in order: -How can the new BCH Platform, soon to be launched, support the sharing of information on biosafety commitments from the Action Agenda? --The new BCH Platform could provide a link under the Resources Tab that would connect users to the Action Agenda homepage, as well as providing a separate page that details commitments that apply solely to biosafety. -How do you use the Biosafety Clearing-House (BCH) in your work? --I use the BCH to participate in online forums, locate submissions from Parties’, and obtain information on the latest activities conducted under the Protocol.
Thank you, Adam
posted on 2021-10-24 10:53 UTC by Mr. Adam Cornish, United States of America
RE: Theme 5: Existing information-sharing measures, online discussion group 3
Agreed, Adam - the B.C.H. platform, in whatever guise, is meant to be the one-stop venue for all matters biosafety-related. Links to the Action Agenda home page, highlighting specific information and any applicable related updates to country or other positions, would be sensible additions.
posted on 2021-10-24 21:55 UTC by Mr. Fred Phillips, Barbados